Retrieves a historic job log by id.


GET /enhancement/history/job-log/{id}


Path Parameters

Name Description
id The id of the log entry.


A JSON object with the following properties:

Name Type Description
id String The id of the log entry.
timestamp String The time when the log entry has been written.
removalTime String The time after which the log entry should be removed by the History Cleanup job. Default format* yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ.
jobId String The id of the associated job.
jobDueDate String The date on which the associated job is supposed to be processed.
jobRetries Number The number of retries the associated job has left.
jobPriority Number The execution priority the job had when the log entry was created.
jobExceptionMessage String The message of the exception that occurred by executing the associated job.
failedActivityId String The id of the activity on which the last exception occurred by executing the associated job.
jobDefinitionId String The id of the job definition on which the associated job was created.
jobDefinitionType String The job definition type of the associated job. See the User Guide for more information about job definition types.
jobDefinitionConfiguration String The job definition configuration type of the associated job.
activityId String The id of the activity on which the associated job was created.
executionId String The execution id on which the associated job was created.
processInstanceId String The id of the process instance on which the associated job was created.
processDefinitionId String The id of the process definition which the associated job belongs to.
processDefinitionKey String The key of the process definition which the associated job belongs to.
deploymentId String The id of the deployment which the associated job belongs to.
rootProcessInstanceId String The process instance id of the root process instance that initiated the process which the associated job belongs to.
tenantId String The id of the tenant that this historic job log entry belongs to.
hostname String The name of the host of the Process Engine where the job of this historic job log entry was executed.
state number A job state,state:0(created), 1(failed), 2(successful), 3(deleted), 4(locked)

* For further information, please see the documentation.

Response Codes

Code Media type Description
200 application/json Request successful.
404 application/json Historic job log with given id does not exist. See the Introduction for the error response format.



GET /enhancement/history/job-log/someId


Status 200.

  "id" : "someId",
  "timestamp" : "2015-01-15T15:22:20.000+0200",
  "removalTime": "2018-02-10T14:33:19.000+0200",
  "jobId" : "aJobId",
  "jobDefinitionId" : "aJobDefinitionId",
  "activityId" : "serviceTask",
  "jobType" : "message",
  "jobHandlerType" : "async-continuation",
  "jobDueDate" : null,
  "jobRetries" : 3,
  "jobPriority": 15,
  "jobExceptionMessage" : null,
  "failedActivityId": null,
  "executionId" : "anExecutionId",
  "processInstanceId" : "aProcessInstanceId",
  "processDefinitionId" : "aProcessDefinitionId",
  "processDefinitionKey" : "aProcessDefinitionKey",
  "deploymentId" : "aDeploymentId",
  "rootProcessInstanceId": "aRootProcessInstanceId",
  "tenantId": null,
  "hostname": "aHostname",
  "state": 0

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